Chamber By-Laws

Rigby, Idaho
Chamber of Commerce
By-Laws of the Chamber of Commerce

1. Name

The name of the organization shall be the Rigby, Idaho Chamber of Commerce.

2. Purpose

The Chamber is organized for the purpose of advancing the commercial, industrial and civic interests of Jefferson County and the cities and towns therein.

3. Activities

The Chamber, in its activities, shall be non-partisan, non-sectarian, and shall take no part in, nor lend its influence to, the appointment of any candidate for National, State, County, or City office, and shall not engage in any activity which will not be in the interest of the membership as a whole.

4. Membership

Membership in the Chamber of Commerce shall be limited to those individuals and businesses of good standing in the communities who are interested in promoting a better environment for the county and the cities and towns located therein.

4.1. Dues

To be considered a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the annual dues owing to the organization must be paid in full. These dues are payable annually depending on the number of employees of a business or the individual. Each business or individual with dues paid will have one (1) vote in matters requiring the member's approval.

4.2 Removal

A member may be removed upon the majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting called by the President. The member to be removed must be given notice of the intended action and be given the opportunity to appear and give evidence. The removal of a member shall be complete on a member's resignation and no further action may be taken to remove a member who has resigned.

5. Honorary Members

Honorary members may be selected by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting. Honorary members may be for a period of years or life. Honorary membership may be withdrawn for cause after the member has been given notice. Honorary members will not be required to pay the annual dues but will be entitled to attend all meetings.

5.1. Limitations

Honorary members shall have no right to vote in matters pertaining to the Chamber unless they have paid the dues and have a regular membership.

6. Board of Directors

A majority of the members shall elect the officers of the Chamber of Commerce. These officers shall include the President, a President-Elect who shall serve as the Vice- President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. In addition to the officers of the Chamber, there shall be five (5) Directors on the Board.

6.1. Limitation of Service

The immediate Past-President shall be an automatic member of the Board of Directors for a term of one year. The remaining Directors shall be elected from the members of the Chamber at large. An Officer or Director may be elected to continue to serve in a position or take another position on the Board should the members of the Chamber so desire.

6.2 Method of Election

The officers and Directors shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast in the election. The term of office shall run from October 1, to September 30, in a given year. The election shall be by majority vote, by mail, and prior to October 1 for the following year.

6.3. Attendence

A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be called whenever necessary in order for it to fulfill its policy-making responsibilities. A Director who is unexcused from three (3) called consecutive Board meetings will be considered to have resigned from the Board of Directors. The Director must inform the President or Secretary prior to the meeting and request an excused absence.

6.4 Vacancies

A vacancy on the Board may be filled by the Board from the membership of the Chamber of Commerce. The appointee will serve for the remainder of the term of the Director being replaced.

6.5. Payment of Services

No Officer or Director shall be paid for their services to the Chamber, however, the Officer of Director may be reimbursed for the expenses paid on behalf of the Chamber or traveling on official business if he or she so desires.

6.6 Authority

The Directors shall have such power and authority as may be necessary or desirable in the promotion and execution of the objectives for which the Chamber has been organized.

7. Officers Duties

7.1. President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chamber of Commerce including Board meetings and shall perform all duties incident to the office.

7.2 President-Elect

The President-Elect shall act in the absence of the President. The President-Elect shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President on October 1 of the next calendar year, or upon the vacancy of the Presidency caused by resignation, disability or permanent absence of the President. A temporary replacement may be named to fill the vacancy of the President-Elect.

7.3. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the Chamber of Commerce, and shall at least on an annual basis make a full report to the Board of Directors and accounting of all funds.

7.4 Secretary

The secretary shall conduct official correspondence, preserve all books, documents and communications, and maintain an accurate account record of the proceedings of the Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the Secretary may be asked to transact business for and in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce as directed by the Board of Directors.

8. Meetings

8.1. Annual Meetings

The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce shall occur in the month of March.

8.2 Regular Meetings

The regular meetings of the Chamber of Commerce shall be held on a monthly basis. The meeting shall be held the regularly scheduled meeting date of each month. The time and location may be changed from time to time to accommodate the members.

8.3. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the members may be called from time to time by the President or on the demand of five (5) or more members by petition filed with the secretary stating the specific business to be brought to the meeting.

8.4 Quorum

A majority of elected board members shall constitute a quorum for all meetings. A quorum must be present before any business can be transacted.

8.5. Majority Required

Action may be taken only by a majority vote of the members physically present at a meeting when a quorum is present.

9. Unfilled Position

The Board of Directors may appoint a successor to fill any unfilled vacancy for the unexpired term of the Office of Director unable to complete their term of office.

10. Amendments

The foregoing by-laws of the Rigby, Idaho Chamber of Commerce may be amended only as follows:
     A. By an affirmative vote of 75% of the then qualified and duly elected Directors of the Chamber of Commerce or
     B. By affirmative majority of the active members.

Adopted at the regular meeting of the Rigby Idaho Chamber of Commerce this 2nd day of September, 1993.

(signed by Ann Strupp)


(Signed by Earlene Poole)

Amended at Board meeting October 4, 2006